

In order to verify the quality and suitability of talent, Rethinkable profiles employ a dual approach to provide a holistic view of user reputation:

  1. Digital Resume that encompasses not only work history but many other contributions, achievements and collaborations. Transparent, tamper-proof credentials are stored both on and off chain.

  2. Peer-to-peer reputation scoring in which users are able to rate the peers based on the quality of the introductions made through the platform as a measure of trust and dependability.

Phase 1: Telegram-native App

  • Further expand the network and allow people to network natively within the apps they are already using.

  • Our Telegram native app allows users to create profiles within Telegram that they use to more easily network and connect with their peers.

  • The Telegram app also allows users to sync all of their contacts and conversations within Telegram so they can easily find and organize who they know. This allows better knowledge of who who is in your network and how you can land your next introduction or opportunity.

  • Release of the introduction feature: request an introduction to anyone within the network. Introducers are recognized and rewarded for making valuable introductions, building up reputation.

  • Expand features for organizations to make quicker decisions and find better quality matches.

  • This includes supporting the entire hiring lifecycle from discovery, connection, communication and decision through a robust applicant tracking system.

  • Develop a services marketplace for any vendor to offer a menu of services or for a company to post a work request

  • Offer a variety of trust and safety tools to encourage sticky use of the platform and greater commercial flows. Key features include escrow accounts and payment vesting tools.

Phase 2:

  • Enhance Rethinkable profiles to include a non-transferable, on-chain user identifier which encompasses the relevant professional links one wishes to showcase as proof of work (addresses of wallets, Twitter handles, website URLs, email addresses, and github profiles etc.)

  • Compatibility with DiD and credential issuers to support the leading identity standards recognized by institutions will build trust and reliance whilst opening up a wider, non-web3 user base through hosting off-chain verifiable credentials as well.

  • Profiles enable users to represent themselves on our social graph, allowing for better search and discovery across the ecosystem.

  • Begin expanding social features to include user generated content and interactions.

Phase 3:

  • Revenue sharing of platform fees to top users who contribute the most value to the network through introductions and other support.

  • Integrate with external marketplaces and dApps with an ‘Apply with Rethinkable’ feature so user identity and reputation capital can be portable across the web.

  • Decentralize the social graph, separating the underlying protocol from the platform itself to allow developers to build new user experiences and applications for the network. This provides an opportunity for more equitable systems of value exchange.

Last updated