Jobs & Hiring

Our Web3-focused jobs board is designed for both applicants to apply to jobs and companies to post job listings and hire talented individuals. We support a mix of primary listed jobs and aggregated jobs from various other job boards. This makes Rethinkable the number one place to discover and apply for Web3 jobs.

Job seeking

To discover jobs that are suitable for you and to start applying, the first step is to create an account. If you haven't done so already, please proceed to create an account, and then return here to continue. If you already have an account, visit our jobs board by clicking on the link below.

-> Go to job board

Exploring jobs

Finding jobs is made easy through browsing, searching, and filtering options available on our jobs board. You can filter jobs by various criteria, such as:

  • Job Type (e.g., Full-time, Contract)

  • Job Category (e.g., Marketing, Development)

  • Salary range (e.g., 50k-100k)

  • Location (e.g., Australia)

Alternatively, you can use the search bar to enter specific keywords and create a custom search query tailored to your preferences.

You can also explore jobs through our Discord bot integration.

Applying to a job

To apply for a job, first, find the position you're interested in and open it in a new tab or continue within the modal popup. Then, click on the 'Apply Now' button, which will conveniently scroll you down to the application field. For the best results, we strongly recommend including a cover letter tailored to the job and attaching your resume.

Your resumes will be saved for your convenience, so you won't have to upload them again unless you make edits. This feature streamlines the application process and ensures a smooth experience for all your future applications.

Job seeker FAQ

What happens after I apply to a job?

After you apply to a job, an email is automatically sent to the respective hirer at the email address provided for that job. This email contains your Rethinkable profile, cover letter (if included), and resume (if included).

How do I know if I've been shortlisted/hired?

In the future, we plan to build our own applicant tracking system that will provide you with a better understanding of the status of your applications. However, currently, the responsibility lies with the hirer to reach out to you (likely via Rethinkable, Twitter, Email, or Discord) to proceed further with your application.

Hiring talent

To post job opportunities that match your requirements and reach potential candidates, the first step is to create a profile. If you haven't created an account yet, please proceed to do so. Once the process is complete, return here to continue. For those who already have a profile, simply click the link below to start a job post.

-> Go to post job

Posting a job

There are three straightforward steps to post a job:

  1. If you are posting a job for the first time, you will need to fill out basic details about your company. Otherwise, you can choose to re-use a previously created company profile or create a new one.

  2. Provide relevant details about your job listing.

  3. Choose the tier of the job listing, i.e., Standard or Pinned.

We encourage you to add as much detail as possible to your job listing to attract qualified candidates, especially a salary range if possible.

Receiving applications

Currently, all hirers will receive applications to their nominated company email, which is specified when creating a company. Based on feedback, and before we develop our applicant-tracking system, the option to redirect users to an external URL for applying will be added in the second week of August.

The email that you will receive will contain the user's resume (PDF), cover letter, and Rethinkable profile. You will be able to contact the user through their social media links on their profile or via direct messaging on our platform (our users are very active!).

Distribution channels

Posting a job with Rethinkable not only gets it posted on our jobs board but also distributes it throughout the Web3 community and on our website (dependent on the chosen plan).

Our distribution channels include:

  • Discord bot (reaching over 3M users)

  • Email newsletter (with 6.5K subscribers)

  • Twitter bot (with over 6.5K followers)

  • Telegram bot (coming soon)

Pricing sheet

Upon filling out your job listing, you will be asked to choose a plan. Payment is secure through Stripe. The higher the tier of the plan, the more views your job listing will receive, increasing the interest in your company.


90 day job listing

Priority approval

Email newsletter

Highlighted border

Twitter post

Ad carousel

Pinned listing

Discord bot posts





Plan benefits FAQ

When are additional Discord bot posts scheduled to be posted?

Additional Discord bot posts will be scheduled and posted in 5-day increments until they are all published.

How long will my listing be pinned for?

Your job listing will be pinned for its full duration of 90 days.

Where is the ad carousel shown?

The ad carousel is displayed on all networking pages and on all users' profile pages. This will significantly boost the exposure of your job listing.

Last updated