Our Principles & Approach

Core Principles

Rethinkable’s talent network is the antithesis to Linkedin and similar web2 platforms. Decentralizing professional networking provides an opportunity for more equitable systems of value exchange and our vision is one of trustless networking, where professional relationships can be built with confidence around skills and work history. Our platform offers users a host of benefits to users:

User Data Ownership - Full control over personal information and professional details

Selective Disclosure - Control over which data is visible publicly versus kept private using ZK cryptography.

Credential Verification - Education and career accomplishments are verified via blockchain rather than claims.

Profile Portability - Identity and relationships aren't locked and can interoperate across networks.

Censorship Resistance - Content policies defined on-chain rather than centralized governance.

Reputation Assets - Endorsements, relationships, achievements take the form of owned assets with intrinsic value.

Community Governance - Community participatory decision-making and oversight.

Alignment Incentives - Value accrues to members rather than corporate interests through aligned token model.

Permissionless - Anyone can build apps and services that plug into the open standards

Our Approach

Rethinkable combines the best elements of existing professionally focused platforms (informative profiles, ability to connect with peers, business and career opportunities) with a digital identity-first approach. As it stands, our platform enables users to create a profile, search and apply to jobs, discover and connect with peers. Organizations can similarly post jobs, receive applicants and create profiles.

Benefits of Our Approach

  1. Users get control of their data, accumulating permanent and transferable reputation capital that can be shared and discovered without centralized intermediaries

  2. Talent seekers are able to manage the entire hiring process and easily verify the credentials, skills and reputation of individuals.

  3. Developers are able to build applications and clients on the network, resulting in a wide range of innovative apps and features for users to enjoy.

Last updated